Copycat Killers and My Conscience
The true crime genre has enjoyed a well-documented surge in popularity over recent years. In particular, streaming platforms like Netflix have enjoyed huge success with cinematic, box set series such as The Staircase, Making A Murderer, Evil Genius and, most recently, Don’t F**k With Cats.
Meet, marry… murder? Where true crime meets comfort
The last time I counted, there were eight TV channels in the UK and many more in the United States, where the only output a viewer could watch is about crimes - real ones. And not just any crime - ones which will chill you to the bone.

Inside the mind of a Serial Killer, Series 2
I’m going to own up. I got a real buzz from the news that Netflix was airing our True Crime series Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer.

We Love Our New Camera
Reporter Will Hanrahan, the firstlooktv Creative Director, was impressed by both the quality and quantity of his new colleagues on his first day working for the flagship BBC Programme ‘Watchdog’ in 1990. The film had a cameraman, a camera assistant, an electrician and a runner. There was a sound recordist, too.

Charmed, I’m Sure
They’re some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Yet they’ve loved some of the worst people you can imagine.
How could anyone love a serial killer?